"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition
for benevolence, confidence, justice". - Baruch Spinoza
Spinoza. A prophetic soul who lived through the 17th century, understood a
concept which the Somali people must grasp before we can deserve, let alone
achieve, peace in
Spinoza was relating the idea that the manifestation and endurance of true
peace is dependent on the character of the men and women of the society which
desires the peace. Based on this thesis then, let's try and take the next step
and see where
meets and or fails to meet this "theory of peace".
Somali natives overwhelmingly want peace! They're sick and tired of
instability, so the question is really what's stopping them? Personally I
believe the answer is that we don't trust each other, mainly as a result of
tribalism, greed, ignorance, poor leadership and complex networks of greedy
profiteers. The Somali people suffer tremendously from these issues, and if we
ever hope to get free of these curses we have first have to acknowledge their
existence, and thereafter work to re-establish trust and eliminate these
things. In a society which is so fragmented its no wonder why the only
successful government was a military dictatorship which ruled with an iron
fist. The truth is I don't think Somalis were prepared for a democracy
mentally, their "state of mind" was still contentious with their
neighbors based on their lineage and birth right. It's a disaster. Worse, it's
a shame.
Yes, the situation is a huge shame, but this is not the end game, as long as
Somalis can overcome these vices. The reality is that Somalis have more uniting
them then any other African nation: A common faith, ethnicity, language,
history, the list can go on! Which is why we must have a
"restoration," similar to
Japan's Meiji Restoration, in which
our own conscience and the government work side by side in integrating our
common goals while eliminating threat of tribalism.
I believe that there is a time when almost every Somali youth who has grown
up in the
United States
has taken a moment to grasp the depth of tragedy in their home country. However
the unfortunate reality is that their lament all too often fails to translate
into action. Albert Einstein's famous quote goes something like "Religion
is lame without science, and science is lame without religion." Well, I
believe that belief is lame without action, and action is lame without belief.
I urge any one who reads this blog to at least try to take action. We should
all unify and join the ranks of those who will not accept a
Somalia which
remains in perpetual conflict, both externally and within the minds of the
I've started my personal journey to give 10,000 hours to
Somalia over
the next 5 years with the ultimate goal of national peace. My purpose in
writing this blog is simple, I hope it will inspire you, and me, to continue
making an effort for
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